Form 3 was ordered to arrange the tables, for more info on "table&chair fun" visit How Kean's blog.
I went home at 2pm, wanted to join the training at 4pm but overslept and ended up not wanting to go. Cycled to school again at 7.45pm. Then cycled to Farlim at about 9pm to get a disc. =.=
Costume tryouts at almost 12am.
The Form 2s and I walked to McD, me, Eu Ca and Yeap Chee Bai spent the night there, talking until 4am and I went to buy my breakfast! The rest went back at around 2.30am, the three of us went back at about 5am. Will continue in the next post.
Coke fiesta!
Add on!
At around 3am few chiobus came to talk to us, or should say, talk to me as most of the time they were chatting with me anyway. =x
Sweet, one of them sat down beside me! HAHA!