Ok skip the introduction, she asked me, Brandon, Min Jing and Yan Sheng to write up an apology letter and promise for being "good". Just for ONE extra mark for our markah kursus. SMLJ lei ask me do such a low-esteem thing. But I just, write mah write liao. Write shit stuff nia! See what I wrote! I was sooooo sincere lei HAHAHAHA! <3 P/S: She gave me just 23 out of 30 marks for my course work marks. Yay! Screwed my English result. Thank you very much. "To the form teacher and English teacher of 3TA3,
This is the formal letter of apology from none other than the most notorious of class 3TA3. I apologize for being extremely noisy in class. I promise to behave like an introvert and keep my mouth shut for the sake of my future life and for the greatness of mankind. I apologize if I had irritated and/or offended teacher in any way inclusive of verbally, mentally and/or physically.
Your student,
Toon Xiau Wei.
Pure win! :D