Okay I took Rapid 304 bus to Queensbay, reach there and Vivian was so kind to tell me she's busy thus I ended up alone. Fine, never mind.
Reached Queensbay at around 3.30pm, journeyed around the whole Queensbay to get used to it because this was the first time entering through front. Had lunch at Chopper's Board and went Borders to look at the books LOL.
Check out these super expensive books;
I got my CDK shirt today! Wore it straight away to qb. :x
Watched the 5.45pm Hairy Pothead. The entry booth attendant tore my ticket the wrong way! :(
Don't want to comment about the movie, but it was hell of a 2 and a half hours long!
My mum came at 8.30pm, had dinner a Gay Gary again, ordered the same food again as well.
Saw SJX - See Jin Xian and his whole family there too. Smsed me and apparently that sohai was in the same cinema as I was! :x