Morning, went to school to take my awesome results. From overall 7th to 178th, amazing isn't it?
Teachers in-charge were TLE and KBS, as usual, the same comments over and over again.
Shortly after the P&T meeting was a short tutorial on how to debate.
Went Queensbay at 11.30am, watched Transformers again!
Wow it's even better to watch it the second time and Megan Fox is hawtter than everrrr!
First movie was watched with Sam, DD and MC.
Had lunch at Wong Cock, DD and MC went back early.
Went Borders, checked out a few explicit mangas and went Ice Age shortly after. No 3D! :(
It was hell of a funny LOL, though it was quite short. =\
Went volleyball training at night, played with the ex-states and I was made setter again. Pew pew.
I didn't go Bon Odori because that fucking Vivian told me she's not going! But ended up she went in the end walaooooo!
Reached home exhausted, slept at 2am because there's a P/L Interview to be carried out tomorrow.