Apparently I've been camping in Form 6 Science labs for the past 3 days, and something that really caught my attention are light bulbs and power supplies...
First experiment, 12V DC power supply on a 6.2V 0.5A lightbulb.
But according to the Voltmeter, the actual power supply was only around 10V. This power adapter is screwed. -.-
Wohoo! Look at its light intensity hahaha! Sorry didn't have my camera with me so I just took it with my crappy phone camera.
Second experiment, done today in Physics Lab without supervision and under my own decision! =x
Twelve (12) D cells, each 1.5V, total of 18V on a 6.2V 0.5A lightbulb.
Holy shit my eyes! LOL my camera's totally fished up.
Subsequently I added another bar of 4 D cells, the lightbulb blew instantly. LOL.
There goes another another lightbulb wasted!
And so I came home, and guess what I did. I went into Assassin's Creed, you remember the last part before you get to kill your lovely master, Al Mualim, there's this large congregation of innocent civilians outside, I went to kill every single of them. Genocide, eh?

Ahahaha! Proves that I'm unstable afterall! LOL.
Oh yeah, there's something to share with you all. Never drink tap water unless you have a strong immunity or you're an insane scout, like me lalala~
Check out the tap water I used for my water bath, I added Universal Indicator into it, freaking pH 9 omg! Drink some more!
Distilled water. See the difference?
And and and, today I finally get to play with REAL stuff! Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid!
Needed it for some kind of HIGHLY DANGEROUS AND EXCITING experiment LOL! Wait I'll fetch the picture...
Experiment 6. Sipek chi kek LOL!
This is the concentrated Hydrochloric Acid, look at the acidic vapour and fumes it produced all over the place, and inside the beaker. The vapour inhaled will cause irritation and drowsiness if too much, and coming in contact with skin will cause itchiness. Just the vapour!
So I did the experiment, when the dipped glass rod was brought to the mouth, surprisingly, the Hydrochloric acid turned to semi-gas and ATTRACTED down to the solution below and a very beautiful, very elegant, very sexy fluidic flow of white gas is formed.
But! I was too busy admiring the white gas which ended up the alkalic solution was being heated for too long, it got too hot and it sort of, exploded; shot out of the test tube, sprayed on the table, and some went onto my finger. Maleh, scorched lah wtf. Luckily nothing happened to my skin, but the table was corroded. Maleh.
刺激 ah! Let's do it again! LOL!