What on earth is this size LOL, considering it's second in place for NATIONAL!
Very BIG isn't it! But okay lah, the main point shouldn't be the trophy anyway.
Well, I'm sorry for Penang, sorry for Chung Ling, sorry to my friends, sorry to myself for not able to get champion! ):
Spent like, weeks to prepare myself up for this competition, but you know, it's a team!
And screw it, no more Korea because government's too.. okay you know the word. World's in recession still!
Sin Sern and Laiteng are both SCREAMING my heads off to treat them! Like pests they are indeed!
Oh yes, I must congratulate Winnie kerana dia telah menggondol hadiah utama dalam pertandingan melukis Soroptimist, Your Planet Needs You!
Ripped from qiao3n.blogspot.com, WHY the quality suckssss so much. =(
Winnie, I owe you one, you owe me two! Hahaha.
Okay, that's all.