About 5 days ago I plurked about going for this movie and I had known that Winnie's dying for Channing Tatum so eventually it had came to a decision that How Kean, Sin Sern, Saph, Winnie and I will go to Gurney for it!

Kean and Sern arrived early, I reached at about 11.50am. Went arcade for awhile, like hell long I've never gone already! Kinda sucked myself. Winnie arrived shortly after, and Saph about the same time too. Bought tickets and went in at 12.30pm.
Thank god the ticket was torn properly! LOL last time the attendant tore it in half. -.-
Personally as an avid gamer, G.I. Joe is practically a mix-match between Crysis and Assassin's Creed, combining Crysis's Nanosuit (the one for Joes is Delta Six Accelerator suit) and Assassin's Creed's ninja-style and the most obvious one, Storm's hidden blade when he killed Baroness's husband in the lab.
It's a highly recommended movie to watch if you're a Science-fiction fan, with its OMFGWTFH4XBBQ explosions, super advanced EMP bursts, heat waves, EMP cannons, oh em gee sexy!

Ah hahaha, Winnie's personal favourite hottie. =D
Channing Tatum hahaha.

Oh em gee this is mine! She's hawt damn it LOL, hawter than Sienna Miller in her red hair. =P
Rachel Nichols ahh <333.
As most of you people already know, the all-time top favourite kill-all-you want Assassin's Creed II is about to be released around November.
Oh my god, I'm so addicted to Ezio! =(
Walao eh, yeng man! T______________________T
Can't freaking wait for it!
Last week my grandmother discovered a large yam in my house's garden!
I never knew my house even had a yam plant. -.-
Quite big lei LOL.
Very fresh! But considering my entire family isn't fond of yams... =\
Okay I think that's enough. Time to head back to bed.