
Saturday 1 August 2009 at 8/01/2009 11:17:00 am
First I'd like to dedicate a very beautiful, very elegant, very stylish word.


I mean, SHIT man! It's August already! That's 4-5 months to 2010, 2 months to PMR, 3 months to holidays, 3 months to end this miserable cursed year of shit, and who knows what else.

Was gravely ill for the past few days, had MC for 28th and 29th. Diagnosed with a sexy 40c fever, chronic cough which hasn't recovered for three god damn months and flu. Gonna get my throat checked with scans and stuff in the hospital today.
Edit: Visit to hospital canceled.

I'd like to thank a CERTAIN teacher for getting me caned on top of demerit too! Although I didn't bothered about the caning, as in, I escaped and didn't have my punishment. :x

Okay and so I received my Nationals letter. Yay?
There's good there's bad, well you guys should pretty well know I'll be gone for 4 days in Perlis, 10th to 13th August.
Oh and this coming Monday and Tuesday will be some kind of pre-competition and training stuff, won't be attending classes as well.

Sorry folks haven't been updating much of my blog. Been running out of inspirations and most of the articles I'm trying to write, abandoned halfway. Couldn't push myself to complete it.

Hmm what else.

Oh yeah, I missed my debate semi-finals, they used a last minute replacement to fill my place and lost anyway. Well now is just to see if I can get into the school team lalala~