Day 3, woke up kinda nervous. Was late again, rushed through clothes and no breakfast because by the time I got out of the hotel room it was already 7.40am. Wore Chung Ling's tie with full school uniform and black shoes, so formal man walao. Too bad I can't wear my blazer! xD
Well it's not hard to guess that today's my competition for Young Scientists, all those practical craps of experiments, reports, theories, and function graphs etc. So this post I'll mainly talk about the experiments they gave us and less of other stuff.
So back to where I was, boarded the same van specifically for Young Scientists, boarded with Alya and her partner and went to the competition site, located in another institution, failed to recall what was the name of it. Ah, that's not important. We were kinda early, arrived at our respective quarantine rooms and registered, Penang's team 1, 12 states in total. Once again, too few Chinese... -.-
Right, there're a total of 6 stations, 1 theory, 1 outdoor, 4 indoor.
First one was test for Calcium Carbonate, gave us three packs of unknown dadah, tested for solubility and reaction with HCl, screwed up instructions asking us to add one spatula (the super small spoon which was just the size of 1/5 of my thumb) and 10ml of HCl, hell all showed no results LOL.
The second one was about reduction of copper through copper II sulphide through electric current. Given one copper strip, one coin, one bottle of copper II sulphide and one AC/DC adapter. This one's easy cake.
Third one's test for Vitamin C and/or Ascorbic acid. Target experiment subject was orange and watermelon, god they wanted us to squeeze the juice ourselves walao walao. -.- then test it's concentration of vitamin C bla bla bla, lots of rubbish.
And uh, four one's the starch in visking tube test, bla bla another easy one.
Fifth's about the tuning forks over water in cylinder, the forks' frequency, water level, calculating speed of sound and finding graph gradient. Kinda screwed up this one because the instruction sucks big time.
Last one's theory, another graph rubbish with data datum data datum. Blah, finished, left the competition lab, met up with Mr Hafiz, then waited for the CGL girls to complete, and then left for the main competition site.
Most competitions had already ended, mostly just presentations and tweaks here and there, nothing much already.

. Solar cooker.

Solar boats, cars, and Penang's model.

.Solar car tracks.

Preparation for Eureka Ree presentation.

Finally left the site at 2pm plus. Went back to the hotel feeling relaxed. Ah I told myself, it's over, whether I win or not. It's no longer important. Practically wasted the whole day once again! Sms, sleep, sms, sleep, songs, sms, songs, TV, sms, eat.
About supper time we decided to ki siao again! Wore blazer to Bistro LOL!
Jing Yao stayed in the hotel room reading yaoi. =x

It was very dark the lightning was poor, taken on high sensitivity.

This is mine! :D after days of rice and curry. =(
Hafiz suddenly walked past and told me that I should belanja, I was like, huh what for LOL. Did I win did I win? HAHAHA he said I did! Wasn't confirmed but not first for sure. Must say I was kinda disappointed, was hoping hard for champion. =(

Final night in the hotel room, left this stone which I had picked up nearby the grounds of the hotel as a token of, no meaning. LOL!
I finally slept on the bed hahahaha and thus ended day 3, prize giving ceremony tomorrow! And Penang back I shall be once again. :)
-To be continued.