Top right, Lee Jia Wei. Jing Yao's favouriteeee. :D
Below that is Winston Low, with his trademark sexy curly hair.
To the left is Marcus Tan Khai Shern, top 1 in class handsome nerd. =x
That small little sexy vampire is See Jin Xian, the girl beside him is err, Wen Xi or something idk. =x
Below vampy is Koay Min Jing, the sexiest round head in class with the best sleeping ability, not to mention ponteng and breakdance as well.
Directly below is Oong Zheng, I failed to understand why his hair so infernally sexily yeng despite he doesn't have much hair in reality. =x
Far right of Oong Zheng is Yeap Jia Jun, with the sexy cylindrical hat. My godbrother and partner-in-everything. =)
Front and foremost is me. Kai Chong claims that the facial structure looks like mine. :O
I've tagged it in Facebook, go poke it yourselves!
OH SHIT, how can I forget our mascots!
Top most left is a frog! FROG k! Who else could that be! Wei Loon heeeeeeeee xD
Beside is a monkey! Who looks the most alike to a monkey? Heng Zhen Jing of course. ;)