I am suddenly in obsession with Chemistry, and necklaces as well.
I am low on time supply, any kind souls out there willing to cut me 1 extra hour a day?
For some reason, I'm starting to love our gay malay teacher, well for a thing because he's so easily deceived and lied to. Well apparently every single lesson I'll have to go up against him for some funny funny reasons which became jokes of the day. Interesting.
I'm keeping some long updates as I don't really have time for them, just sharing a few sexy images here taken back in year 2009.
I see the name of 11GTS T/L hahaha! Picture taken near Paradise Beach's bus-stop, went there for some celebration at Yu Kai's place.
Loyal mating partners. Died together, mated together. =\
Richard Koh's smallest possible straight flush, well I guess this is just as sexy as 5 hearts in a row. This is 7-hand poker so chances of getting straight flush is rare enough..
Chun Lin's almost Royal Flush LOL.
And swimming 5am in the morning, the water was freezing! Was back in Yu Kai's apartment, due to alcoholic effect Yang Kwang, Yu Kai and I went for a swim after 4 straight hours of PS2 haha.
Okay I'll update on Richard Koh's sperm collection next. Kthxbye!
Miss die you..
Leh... I get the 1st flush which is 23456 ler...The spade is qi xuan 1...