Back view with kickstand and slid open.
One of the most important features of this phone. Wi-Fi.
And the sexy 8.1MP camera, but honestly it's not that good as compared to the C-series so don't put too much hope on it. But average usage-wise it would suffice. It also sports smile detection snapping, auto focus, macro mode and etc. Video was decent, with good FPS and sound quality. The LED is pretty strong, will be elaborated later.
Heeeeee Plurk! xD
Side view with kickstand.
Walkman 4.0 - the newest firmwire of the Walkman series. There is a small walkman quick button on the left side, and the orange lights will ONLY turn on upon entering Walkman mode, otherwise they will not light up.
Full-screen photo viewing. Yes, the person inside this picture is Stanley.
Youtube specially for W995, works perfect as long as you can get yourself a fast connection.
Walkmate, extremely sensitive, accurate even when held in hands.
Camera test - Macro.
The other important feature is GPS and maps, all in Location Services. The GPS in Google Maps is almost pin-point accurate provided you stand in the open and the sky is clear. This phone sports every single programme you need in terms of geographical tracking systems. Fantastic but costly because it doesn't depend on WiFi but purely satellite connection.
Front view, fully opened.
A test of the LED flash in pitch black darkness. It's bright enough to illuminate an entire room but it's not as good as the Xenon flash, of course.
To be continued.