The only reason I went for this trip was because it's free of charge. -.-
This is just a short update as I lack many of the photos which are still with Shu Wei.
Gathered at school and bus-ed to the jetty.
Took a sexy boat and arrived shortly at Pulau Jerejak. This was my second time there.
This trip was comprised of 3 schools, SMCL SMAI SMG. As we had to wait for SMAI to arrive some of us settled to the available facilities there, I particularly liked the gym hahaha.
Mr Tiaga's pretty good at this game which I don't know what on earth it is.
Darts! That's Darren's hand and for sure he'll never hit bull's.
Dining centre. There's a billiard table there, RM3 per game.
The two photographers of this trip.
I'm going to jump, bye!
Manusia dari SMAI dah sampai LOL.
First was the jungle trekking, holy shit it's as easy as drinking water man. (exaggeration)
No pictures were taken as I was afraid my camera will GG-LIZATION in the jungle.
Next up was Rock Climbing, which I apparently suck at because I wore long pants + sport shoes + weak arms = epic fail. Slipped and fell man. HAHA.
3rd's the suspension bridge and flying fox. Hell waited for YEARS just for my turn.
Smile Shu Wei, smile! Your balls dropped!
Then had lunch, played pool and freaking wasted my time at archery REALLY.
I'm so going to cut ALL complains in this update because there're HEAPS of them honestly.
About time to go home, MATTERS ARISED BETWEEN a chio girl from SMK Georgetown and Darren Ooi!
Oh yes... Before leaving...
Look what the hell I discovered in the water man HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This ain't no jellyfish!
The heartbroken Darren. =\
Went back to Penang Island and walked to Queensbay with Zi Han, Winston and Wei Loon.
Richy Zi Han spent RM144 for a cap and shorts. Wasted money at arcade before heading home.