Ok, first, I'd like to congratulate myself for obtaining additional 2 marks in my Science test. It may not seem a lot to most people, but to me, even 1 mark means a lot.
Cross-Country Run
This is one of the most hated event which is organised. I was forced to wake up at 6am today. Although I wasn't reluctant but I still had to. Anyway, I did not have any breakfast so I went to Youth Park early. The traffic jam was horrible there. Imagine thousands of students cramming in the 1 place at the same time. Arrived and registered at around 7am, then waited until 8am before the run started. Honestly, deep down in my heart, I told myself, I'd do my best to obtain the additional 10 marks, but not for glory. While preparing for the run, I was in the same group Chin Chen Hee lol. He was wearing a pair of black long pants with yellow stripes, which made me wonder how was he going to run with long pants? When the whistle was blown, I sprinted with all my might, trying to outrun anyone. But wtf?! On the right side, people are taking shortcuts! From the leading first, I fell to about 40+. The teachers should take action on this situation. Damn! I should have brought along my water trumbler. If you know me well enough, I could not run without sufficient water supply. So I couldn't run anymore and many of my friends who are basically weaker than me ran past me. At last! Someone with lots of water came to my rescue. I borrowed water from him, then continue running. Upon reaching Botanical Garden, I couldn't afford to run anymore because of the slope. I saved my energy as much as possible to chiong down the slope later. Finally, I reached the slope! I started running down like mad, nearly pushing down a few Form 6 students, as they're plainly walking and blocking the whole way. Once I've finished the bend, OMG! There's another shortcut where the teachers missed out! Even during my Primary days, I was a Scout and I was sent on duty to guard the place where the teachers or students failed to notice. From about 8x, I dropped to 2xx (approx). Alas, I still dried up after running out of the Botanical Garden. I couldn't continue. As mentioned above, I had to wait until someone with water to catch up with me and supply me with it before I could continue. Thus, I fell from 2xx to 3xx. However, I managed to catch up with my friends ahead. I ran with them together until the finishing line. We raced past more than 1xx participents I think. My legs weren't aching until the last slope, which is near the ending point. Alas! I saw Youth Park once again. With all the left of my strength, I ran without considering what would happen to me to the registration point. I raced past more than 10 participents, however I rammed into the pole which was tied with the red with white stripes tape when the prefect there told me to change my way. I continued running until I reach the finishing point. There's only 1 sensation - nausea. My head is spinning. From what I had know, the list was expanded to 250 people instead of 200, and the person in front of me was the 250th, which means when I walked to the table, the teacher said "closed". OMG WTF?! CLOSED?! I can't think of anything, my mind was empty, my arms and legs were numb of shock. Just 1 more position I'll get the 10 marks. I don't understand why was so stupid that I did not ran faster. All was left in my was regret. Forget it, it's too late to change anything. I've lost 10 marks.
Au revoir.
23rd March - Annual Cross-Country Run
Friday, 23 March 2007
3/23/2007 05:36:00 pm
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19th March 2007
Monday, 19 March 2007
3/19/2007 10:19:00 pm
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Today, before school starts, Leong Yu Kai came to see me. He told me that Richard Khoh is now 1-sided deaf. One of his ear drums has 2 holes on it. His parents intend to report to the police of the incident. Richard Khoh was too sad, he asked his mother a very sadistic question, "Am I considered as a disabled person?". His mother cried. To those who read my blog, kindly do not spread this issue.
I don't know what happened to me today. I fell so ill in school that I nearly fainted. Anyway, I've finally got all my results as below :-
Chinese - 93%
Malay - 85%
Maths - 84%
Moral - 82%
English - 93%
Geografi - 96%
Sejarah - 100%
Science - 92%
Kemahiran Hidup - 96%
I'm not very sure about my Chinese and English, I can't concentrate counting my marks.
Anyway, how am I going to aim for top 10 with this ridiculously horrible result? I wonder what the others get.
I don't know what happened to me today. I fell so ill in school that I nearly fainted. Anyway, I've finally got all my results as below :-
Chinese - 93%
Malay - 85%
Maths - 84%
Moral - 82%
English - 93%
Geografi - 96%
Sejarah - 100%
Science - 92%
Kemahiran Hidup - 96%
I'm not very sure about my Chinese and English, I can't concentrate counting my marks.
Anyway, how am I going to aim for top 10 with this ridiculously horrible result? I wonder what the others get.
18th March 2007
Sunday, 18 March 2007
3/18/2007 01:36:00 pm
| Posted by
Ah, today is the last day of the holidays, school reopens tomorrow. Damn I can't wait to go back to school but I have not completed any of my homework. Furthurmore, I'm gonna know all my results tomorrow. So scared I'll get bad results...
Gotta cramp homework.
Gotta cramp homework.
17th Of March : A serious incident
3/18/2007 01:34:00 pm
| Posted by
One of my best friends, Richard Khoh Qi Xuan, has been slapped directly on the ear, resulting his ear drum to break and made him deaf. He was sent immediately for medical checkup. I'm still waiting for the result. I'm terribly frightened.
3 days 2 nights of Scout Camping
3/18/2007 12:22:00 pm
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From 15th March to 17th March, I've had a 3 days 2 night's Scout's Camping at Chung Ling High School. There were about 400~600 participents who took part including 10~15 O.C.s (Organising Comittee). The participents are aged from Form 1 to Form 3 while all the O.C.s are Form 4.
15th March 2007
I slept at 0400hours, woke up at 0600 hours. After washing up and had a little breakfast, I went directly to school at 0630 hours. When I arrived, there're about 200 participents who're already waiting there. I found my patrol, and sat down for the others to arrive. While waiting, I looked around the campsite. Many gadgets are built using bamboos. Sadly, Form 1 students were made to sleep in the class rooms, while Form 2 & Form 3 slept in the campsite. How disappointing. After checking in, we went to our classrooms and find a nice spot to lay our bags and equipments. My classroom is 4SB2. After unpacking, we went downstairs to attend the so-called "Pembukaan Upacara". The Guru Penasihat, Cikgu Lim, announced that the camp was officially opened. Awhile after that, the Form 1 participents were divided into 6 groups, and made a horseshoe shaped circle around a Pemimpin Pengakap (These scouts are either Form 5 or Form 6). He took off our Forage Caps, then read something like a vow, then he gave us back our Caps.
At around 11.30, we had a Modern Cooking Competition. Our P.S. (Patrol Sub-leader) prepared all the necessary foodstuff to cook. The Form 2 and Form 3 Scouts only slept and talked while another Form 1 and me are cooking the food. We did it right under the hot sun so it ended up I had sunburn badly. I squated in from of the fire and under the sun until 4.00pm. My skin was red which made it looked like it had been cooked. First of all, we collected firewood from the Scout's Den, then built a fire. It wasn't easy at all, however with the first match I lighted burnt the pile of wood, thus ended the Fire Inspection. After that, we started cooking. Below are the food I cooked and it's comments.
-Vegetables with oyster sause (No comments)
-Fish with soya sause (No comments)
-Chicken with oyster sause (Not too bad, only 1 out 9 pieces is still semi-raw)
-Rice (Too hard, not enough water)
-Soup No.1 (Not enough taste)
-Soup No.2 (Fantastic)
-Bread with egg and sausage (Disgusting, even to look at it)
There are 2 more dishes I can't remember.
Later that day, we attended several stations (similiar to lessons) which taught us things such as the correct way of building a fire, erecting a tend, laying out your stuffs, knots, etc etc. There're just too many things to do and learn, which ended me worn out and slept almost right away at around 0100hours.
P/S : Oh and 1 more thing, the food is so damn little that I had to eat additional food I've brought orelse I'll die of hunger.
16th March 2007
Wth, they woke us up at 5a.m. My whole body is aching like mad especially my biceps. At around 6.00a.m., they summoned us downstairs to have morning exercise. It was horrible with my arm and thighs aching. Then we have to run Chung Ling's football field for 1 round (It sounded easy, but in my condition, it's like running 5miles non-stop.)
That's not all, at 10.30p.m., we had to prepare to die. Form 1 and Form 2 are asked to run from Chung Ling High School to
-St. John's headquaters
-Masjid Negeri
-Union High School
-Srigim Hospital
All must be done in 1 and a half hour. It's completely horrifying. We're late for 15 minutes. Form 3 are worse. They had to run to Youth Park in 20 minutes but they're late for another 20 minutes, thereby resulting them 100 push-ups. When I arrived in school, I felt like fainting. My legs weren't listening to my commands. Although I had water with me, I'm freaking famished. Once arrived, I really really felt like fainting. We have to prepare for Backwood's Cooking instead of eating. Why are the O.C.s so inconsiderate? We only had 2 biscuits and 1 cup of Milo for breakfast, and they thought it'll last us half a day? Since I'm so hungry, I took my friend's sardine and used my can opener I brought to opened it. I barely ate more than 3 mouthfulls, they called us fall in (known as line up) within 30 seconds. I had no choice but run straight downstairs, abandoning my precious food. Honestly, the Backwood's cooking is completely a failure. I couldn't concentrate in my cooking and I'm not even sure the correct way of cooking it. When the inspection starts, we failed everything. lol.
At last, the moment we are waiting for, the Campfire, finally started. We had presentations, dances, singing and so on. It was total fun. The O.C.s are funny too. The campfire was held near the Bengkel, beside the handball court. The BBs got Campfire too, but there's no fire. lol. Haha, our O.C.s purposely made the speakers faced towards the new built indoor multi-purpose court (The BBs are having their congregation there). They did it on purpose to disturb them. We shouted and sang at the top of our voices. The dance was all hip-hop style. Yi Jun's dance was a 2-men dance which was nice except the chorus part, where both of them aren't dancing at the same beat lol. Ah, the nice times were over, and it's time to unpack the gadgets at the campsite. I ran there straightaway to help them untie everything, while the other Form 1s were still having their time in the classrooms. Some of them even slept. Honestly, I can tell you, I'm the one in the whole patrol who's doing the most things. At the same time, the BBs were playing at the other side of the field, which I found it's extremely annoying because we were all working desperately in order to have some sleep while they're all having fun. At around 1a.m., we had supper. Of course, as I have said, some of them were already sleeping, so they're forced to wake up. That's really a funny scene. They were moaning as though they're forced to climb on vines, some of them we had to use water to wake them up. However I think the supper's too stupid, calling us to wake up because of 2 mouthfull's of Milo and 1 piece of biscuit. I could't stand it anymore. I had to eat the cup noodles I bought. Wth?! They had no hot water! So I'm only left with 1 way, I had to eat it raw it's really nice anyway =) I slept at around 2a.m.
P/S : I've forgotten to write something. The Boy's Brigade started their camp this morning. They arrived by bus. OMGWTFBBQ, BUS?! And they are wearing casuals instead of uniforms. I just realised 1 thing. They are here to play, enjoy and have fun, instead of learning.
17th March 2007
Today is the last day of the camp. My body is totally worn out. My arms and legs are aching like no tomorrow. Luckily it's raining. There will be no morning exercises and layout as the field was wet. So I had some rest until 7.30a.m., when the O.C.s summoned us downstairs. There was nothing much today except Obstacle Race. It's really disgusting but fun. =D My clothes is drenched with eggs, flour and water.
-1st Obstacle Race
We threw raw eggs at each other, which ended me up with my pants stained with egg yolk.
-2nd Obstacle Race
There were 7 chairs, and on each chair it's sprinkled with flour and 1 raw egg. Everyone is forced to sit onto the egg and break it. I will not explain the procedure of the game because it's too complicated.
-3rd Obstacle Race
1 word for it. Disgusting~! Firstly, the O.C.s there helped us to make up using flour, then they poured water + raw egg all over us. It's really smelly but it felt nice. After that, the O.C.s mixed everything into a container (The everything I mentioned is the food prepared by them). They mixed : raw eggs, ginger, onions, sardine, chillies, and many more you could think of. Then the chosen one will have to eat it all. Damn! It turned out that my patrol had to eat it. No comments on the food. If you liked to know you may ask me.
-4th Obstacle Race
Soccer, nothing special.
Finally, the closing ceremony, well known as the prize-giving ceremony. From what I've done so far, I'm dead sure I could win the Best New Member Award. Damn it, I can't believe I can't get it. What I had done is, honestly, better than everyone. I did things faster than everyone, complete earlier, and I still understand why I can't get it. It's ok, I told myself, I'll aim for it in the next camp. After that, Mr Lim, the Guru Penasihat, announced that the camp is officially closed. I left the school after congratulating the others who had won the prizes.
Thank you for wasting your time in reading this long post. Pardon me for my English. There are many gramatical errors. I'm too lazy to correct them.
15th March 2007
I slept at 0400hours, woke up at 0600 hours. After washing up and had a little breakfast, I went directly to school at 0630 hours. When I arrived, there're about 200 participents who're already waiting there. I found my patrol, and sat down for the others to arrive. While waiting, I looked around the campsite. Many gadgets are built using bamboos. Sadly, Form 1 students were made to sleep in the class rooms, while Form 2 & Form 3 slept in the campsite. How disappointing. After checking in, we went to our classrooms and find a nice spot to lay our bags and equipments. My classroom is 4SB2. After unpacking, we went downstairs to attend the so-called "Pembukaan Upacara". The Guru Penasihat, Cikgu Lim, announced that the camp was officially opened. Awhile after that, the Form 1 participents were divided into 6 groups, and made a horseshoe shaped circle around a Pemimpin Pengakap (These scouts are either Form 5 or Form 6). He took off our Forage Caps, then read something like a vow, then he gave us back our Caps.
At around 11.30, we had a Modern Cooking Competition. Our P.S. (Patrol Sub-leader) prepared all the necessary foodstuff to cook. The Form 2 and Form 3 Scouts only slept and talked while another Form 1 and me are cooking the food. We did it right under the hot sun so it ended up I had sunburn badly. I squated in from of the fire and under the sun until 4.00pm. My skin was red which made it looked like it had been cooked. First of all, we collected firewood from the Scout's Den, then built a fire. It wasn't easy at all, however with the first match I lighted burnt the pile of wood, thus ended the Fire Inspection. After that, we started cooking. Below are the food I cooked and it's comments.
-Vegetables with oyster sause (No comments)
-Fish with soya sause (No comments)
-Chicken with oyster sause (Not too bad, only 1 out 9 pieces is still semi-raw)
-Rice (Too hard, not enough water)
-Soup No.1 (Not enough taste)
-Soup No.2 (Fantastic)
-Bread with egg and sausage (Disgusting, even to look at it)
There are 2 more dishes I can't remember.
Later that day, we attended several stations (similiar to lessons) which taught us things such as the correct way of building a fire, erecting a tend, laying out your stuffs, knots, etc etc. There're just too many things to do and learn, which ended me worn out and slept almost right away at around 0100hours.
P/S : Oh and 1 more thing, the food is so damn little that I had to eat additional food I've brought orelse I'll die of hunger.
16th March 2007
Wth, they woke us up at 5a.m. My whole body is aching like mad especially my biceps. At around 6.00a.m., they summoned us downstairs to have morning exercise. It was horrible with my arm and thighs aching. Then we have to run Chung Ling's football field for 1 round (It sounded easy, but in my condition, it's like running 5miles non-stop.)
That's not all, at 10.30p.m., we had to prepare to die. Form 1 and Form 2 are asked to run from Chung Ling High School to
-St. John's headquaters
-Masjid Negeri
-Union High School
-Srigim Hospital
All must be done in 1 and a half hour. It's completely horrifying. We're late for 15 minutes. Form 3 are worse. They had to run to Youth Park in 20 minutes but they're late for another 20 minutes, thereby resulting them 100 push-ups. When I arrived in school, I felt like fainting. My legs weren't listening to my commands. Although I had water with me, I'm freaking famished. Once arrived, I really really felt like fainting. We have to prepare for Backwood's Cooking instead of eating. Why are the O.C.s so inconsiderate? We only had 2 biscuits and 1 cup of Milo for breakfast, and they thought it'll last us half a day? Since I'm so hungry, I took my friend's sardine and used my can opener I brought to opened it. I barely ate more than 3 mouthfulls, they called us fall in (known as line up) within 30 seconds. I had no choice but run straight downstairs, abandoning my precious food. Honestly, the Backwood's cooking is completely a failure. I couldn't concentrate in my cooking and I'm not even sure the correct way of cooking it. When the inspection starts, we failed everything. lol.
At last, the moment we are waiting for, the Campfire, finally started. We had presentations, dances, singing and so on. It was total fun. The O.C.s are funny too. The campfire was held near the Bengkel, beside the handball court. The BBs got Campfire too, but there's no fire. lol. Haha, our O.C.s purposely made the speakers faced towards the new built indoor multi-purpose court (The BBs are having their congregation there). They did it on purpose to disturb them. We shouted and sang at the top of our voices. The dance was all hip-hop style. Yi Jun's dance was a 2-men dance which was nice except the chorus part, where both of them aren't dancing at the same beat lol. Ah, the nice times were over, and it's time to unpack the gadgets at the campsite. I ran there straightaway to help them untie everything, while the other Form 1s were still having their time in the classrooms. Some of them even slept. Honestly, I can tell you, I'm the one in the whole patrol who's doing the most things. At the same time, the BBs were playing at the other side of the field, which I found it's extremely annoying because we were all working desperately in order to have some sleep while they're all having fun. At around 1a.m., we had supper. Of course, as I have said, some of them were already sleeping, so they're forced to wake up. That's really a funny scene. They were moaning as though they're forced to climb on vines, some of them we had to use water to wake them up. However I think the supper's too stupid, calling us to wake up because of 2 mouthfull's of Milo and 1 piece of biscuit. I could't stand it anymore. I had to eat the cup noodles I bought. Wth?! They had no hot water! So I'm only left with 1 way, I had to eat it raw it's really nice anyway =) I slept at around 2a.m.
P/S : I've forgotten to write something. The Boy's Brigade started their camp this morning. They arrived by bus. OMGWTFBBQ, BUS?! And they are wearing casuals instead of uniforms. I just realised 1 thing. They are here to play, enjoy and have fun, instead of learning.
17th March 2007
Today is the last day of the camp. My body is totally worn out. My arms and legs are aching like no tomorrow. Luckily it's raining. There will be no morning exercises and layout as the field was wet. So I had some rest until 7.30a.m., when the O.C.s summoned us downstairs. There was nothing much today except Obstacle Race. It's really disgusting but fun. =D My clothes is drenched with eggs, flour and water.
-1st Obstacle Race
We threw raw eggs at each other, which ended me up with my pants stained with egg yolk.
-2nd Obstacle Race
There were 7 chairs, and on each chair it's sprinkled with flour and 1 raw egg. Everyone is forced to sit onto the egg and break it. I will not explain the procedure of the game because it's too complicated.
-3rd Obstacle Race
1 word for it. Disgusting~! Firstly, the O.C.s there helped us to make up using flour, then they poured water + raw egg all over us. It's really smelly but it felt nice. After that, the O.C.s mixed everything into a container (The everything I mentioned is the food prepared by them). They mixed : raw eggs, ginger, onions, sardine, chillies, and many more you could think of. Then the chosen one will have to eat it all. Damn! It turned out that my patrol had to eat it. No comments on the food. If you liked to know you may ask me.
-4th Obstacle Race
Soccer, nothing special.
Finally, the closing ceremony, well known as the prize-giving ceremony. From what I've done so far, I'm dead sure I could win the Best New Member Award. Damn it, I can't believe I can't get it. What I had done is, honestly, better than everyone. I did things faster than everyone, complete earlier, and I still understand why I can't get it. It's ok, I told myself, I'll aim for it in the next camp. After that, Mr Lim, the Guru Penasihat, announced that the camp is officially closed. I left the school after congratulating the others who had won the prizes.
Thank you for wasting your time in reading this long post. Pardon me for my English. There are many gramatical errors. I'm too lazy to correct them.
18th March 2007
3/18/2007 12:17:00 pm
| Posted by
Inspired by Chin Chen Hee, I decided to keep records of myself because there are endless events happening at this age. Many happenings are worth to be remembered, no matter it's good or bad. Welcome to my blog, pleased to meet you.
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